Mindfulness - British Sign Language
Mindfulness Bootcamp (Part 1) - BSL
Welcome! The above video explains the upcoming FREE Mindfulness Sessions for those in the Deaf Community. There is a limited number of spaces, so please book in on the link.
DATE: Wednesday 5,12,19,26 June and 3,10 July (6 weeks) followed by the below part 2 for 4 weeks
TIME: 7.30pm. Sessions are approximately 60-90 minutes (depending on questions)
LOCATION: Microsoft Teams (link sent out on registration)
COST: Free
If you want to attend both - please book onto both parts.
Working Mindfully with Illness, Pain, and Suffering (Part 2)- BSL
DATE: Wednesday 17,24,31 July and 7 August (4 weeks)
TIME: 7.30pm. Sessions are approximately 60-90 minutes (depending on questions)
LOCATION: Microsoft Teams (link sent out on registration)
COST: Free