Wide Asleep

More than just Sleep Hygiene

Do you start going to bed when you feel really tired, only to become wide awake once your head hits the pillow? Does this set off a domino feeling of frustration? Are you waking up at the same time every morning, only to start clock watching and being reminded of all the things to worry about?

Many people are familiar with the concepts of 'sleep hygiene', even if we do not call it such: sleep in a darkened room, reduce the use of technology, don't drink caffeine before bed and so on. Neuroscience has now come much further and taught us a lot about sleep, and much of what we can start doing for sleep, begins the day before.

Join in this workshop to listen to what the latest in neuroscience suggests about building up sleep drive, your circadian rhythm and more. From this workshop we aim for you to leave with you reflecting on what would be a personal action plan that is relevant to you.

This workshop is delivered as 3 x 1 hour, or a 3 hour workshop at £45

This 'might' not be for you if someone has highlighted you are snoring very loudly, or you wake up with shock, but with no other reason, such as a nightmare. If these things are happening, check this out with your GP first.

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